Continentbuilding IV


Naming conventions along the Galecoast are simple compound words with deep meaning for the residents.

30. Ffrheiq

Today’s word is Lace.  In the real world lace is actually newish, probably from Renaissance Italy, but in this world it is an old thing.  Some of the Psoarmk live along the upper branch of the delta, where they grow cottony plants and create fabulous lace found nowhere else in the world, which they trade broadly with whatever ships can struggle up the river to them.  However, they resist grand cities, dwelling in small, communal towns that support themselves and each other when catastrophe happens.  These communities are known as Ffrheiq.

What can be found or done here

Trade for lace; deal with potential threats to the trade; go to parties dressed fabulously and try not to steal everything.

31. Zglaimmmeithh

Today’s word is Risk.  Just off the coast of the Vreiy lies a volcanic island, still smoldering from its most recent eruption.  There is only one permanent settlement on Zglaimmmeithh, constantly being destroyed by the volcano and then rebuilt because of its position at the mouth of the delta.  It is home to all manner of scoundrels and scalawags, but also plenty of pilots and navigators who can help desperate ships or desperate people get through the delta—for a price.  And of course, winding up the volcano is a broken path of stone and steps, leading to an altar and a shrine that somehow lasts through every blast, where the truly broken or desperate might come to offer a sacrifice to the spirit of the volcano, which can only offer revenge, and rather than satisfaction a lens back on one’s own foibles.

What can be found or done here

A good place for people or things to hide; there are also self-sacrificial monks who deal with the volcano spirit, though they may have less knowledge and more wisdom because of their position.

32. Hillmarch

Today’s word is Horse.  A peninsula ringed by towering cliffs known as the Hillmarch curls nearby, more of an island because of how treacherous the passes are.  The Hillmarch is home to the greatest horses in the entire world, even greater than those kept in MnèdhStökt.  They are fast, strong, and glamorous all at once.  They are kept by gnolls who are known as sharp traders, excellent riders, and witty tricksters, many of whom travel abroad to sell their wares and search out good horse-stock.

What can be found or done here

Horses and other mounts, obviously, but also knowledge about arcane mysteries like genetics (not too much about spirits, though); possible problems could be beasts in the passes or blight on the pasture or the horses themselves.

33. Roughspire

Today’s word is Rough.  Off the coast of the cliffs are the roughest, rockiest islands around.  They are mostly unpopulated, except for large birds and spirits, providing only dangerous approaches to Hillmarch even by ship.  A few brave communities of Hillmarch gnolls have learned to live on the least harsh islands, centered on Roughspire.  They rely on fishing boats, saddled birds, and treacherous trade of rare island resources.

What can be found or done here

Trade for knowledge about the spirits or for rare spell components; practice sailing or bird-riding; dive for the ruins of wrecked ships and civilizations.

34. Skitters

Today’s word is Bug.  In the highlands between Hillmarch and the Cactus Forest is the homeland of a unique, buglike people who simply name themselves Skitters.  They have six appendages and can go about either upright or low to the ground, making them excellent climbers.  They are also masters of speech and codes, and some of them have specializations that allow them to fly, communicate, or protect their bodies from harsh falls.  They are great traders, and like to go about in the world, though their culture and systems of government can be radically different from those they encounter.

What can be found or done here

Learn new languages, cultures, philosophies, and methods of transportation; meet new people with access to skills that are otherwise rare.

35. Wavedepths

Today’s word is Dive.  Across a stretch of the sea is a long island where more bugfolk dive for fish, pearls, and coral containing fragments of spirits.

What can be found or done here

Fish, pearls, and spirit-containing coral.

36. Diamondsand

Today’s word is Beach.  A nearby chain of atolls with pristine beaches stretches out into the broader ocean.  They are peopled by various bugfolk and seafolk, some of whom actually live beneath the waves and travel to the surface to trade.

What can be found or done here

Recently, tales of darkness and murder have been filtering up from the seafolk, and even some of the islanders have experienced mysterious disappearances that must be investigated.

37. Highbridge

Today’s word is Bridge.  A great bridge spans the island of Wavedepths and one of the larger atolls, reaching so high into the sky that it occasionally blots out the sun.  The foundations of the bridge are made of some pristine material that has never rotted or decayed, and is constantly marveled at by engineers traveling from the entire continent.

What can be found or done here

Marvel at the bridge; investigate the secrets of ancient crafters.

38. Pridehollow

Today’s word is Lion.  Real lions and miniature lionfolk prowl Pridehollow, the desert and high plains region between the hills.  They are a warrior culture, strong despite how small they can be, bringing heavy armor and heavier weaponry to bear for righteous causes in the defense of their own land and the lands of others.

What can be found or done here

Study ancient religious texts; recruit mercenaries; have weapons and armor repaired.

39. Bluffheart

Today’s word is Seek.  A group of lionfolk decided to eschew the warrior culture and become devout monks, constructing a great palace to glorify their spirits and store religious scrolls.  Many others from nearby cultures who no longer believe core tenets of their peoples’ philosophies have joined them in the monastic and ascetic life.

What can be found or done here

Meditate to remove spiritual or magical harm; enter the ethereal realm.

40. Tidesfollowers

Today’s word is Homeless.  Throughout this region a group of wandering seafarers known as the Tidesfollowers make circuits on the tides and gales.  They do not believe in commercial trade, only in bartering what they have and what they make for what they need, and they live entirely in small sailing ships, never large ones.  Because they travel many seas, they are deeply in tune with the spirits of the ocean.

What can be found or done here

Learn more about ocean spirits; swap crafts and weapons with the Tidesfollowers; listen to tales of lands across the sea.

Continentbuilding © 2023 by Paul Emigh is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0